With the trend of social media, many people don’t understand the purpose of social media and tend to misuse it. Many people forget LinkedIn is a professional/business platform. It’s not like other personal connecting platforms, where people overshare personal information and post-inflammatory content.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, the network exists to help people build relationships to further their careers or to represent their organizations in a public forum. But many people misuse the platform and become offensive or spammy.
Posting Offensive or Aggressive Comments
Most people write positive, constructive comments on the post, raise relevant questions and debate their views in a respectful way.
Still, some of the commenters tend to rebel, give irrelevant comments, criticize more personally, and make it more offensive. You represent your company and yourself on LinkedIn around other professionals/businesses worldwide. We may not remember everything we post on LinkedIn, but all that stays in our profile. When someone searches for our profile, they will be able to see all our posts, comment, and activities. It becomes a digital record of your professional life, and also it is tied to your company.
Even if you get offended by anyone’s post or comment, don’t confront resentment. Try to convey the same more politely and respectfully.
Stop Annoying People To Buy via LinkedIn messaging
With the help of LinkedIn, it is easy to get connected to many professional/business peoples around the world. You might have received a lot of sales and cold messages for sales on LinkedIn. Many give requests, and once they accept, they start selling their product or service to them via LinkedIn messaging.
Most people get annoyed by this approach. Without building any professional rapport or relationships with the prospect, we cannot directly give a cold sales pitch. If you could spend time building rapport with your prospective client, once the trust is built, getting them converted is a matter of time.
Stop Tagging unrelated people.
Since the dawn of influencer marketing, many people have tended to use unrelated hashtags and started tagging people who are not related to the post. They think it gives them more exposure and reaches more people. Yes, it does, but we should tag people whom we know personally and also only if the post is relevant to the tagged person.
Avoid tagging people just for exposure, make sure it gives value to them, and also tag only if the content is related or relevant to them. Also, avoid using too many hashtags, use only the relevant ones.
Stop Posting About Politics / Celebrities
If there is any celebrity, who inspires you and gives very valuable content, which you really think gives value to this professional platform, then share it. Not all of us have the same view, everyone has their own unique favor. Most of the time, offensive comments are written for these kinds of posts.
This is not the platform to promote or discuss political ideas or entertainment unless it impacts the business end. Everything you do gets tied to your company, and if one of your biggest clients doesn’t like your view, it might affect your business and relationships with the client.
Approaching CEO & Management for Job
Most CEO and Management stay out of the hiring process, they have a dedicated team for that. People think they can take the shortcut and approach management to get more details directly and skip the process. First, make sure you do the research about the company and contact the right person for the same, if you reach anyone else, ask them if they can redirect you to the right person. If you keep messaging asking for a job to the wrong person, it will annoy them. Only if you reach the right person you might be able to get it done.
If anyone tried to reach me for a job, I would forward them to the respective team or guide them if any matching requirement came to my eye.
LinkedIn is the only best platform to build professional connections, it can be used more effectively if we use the right approach and don’t force our way into it. Once you avoid these points, you will have a better network with more professionals in a positive way.
Let me know in the comments what others you would add to this list.
Bonus For You
Do you want to learn how to build your LinkedIn Profile and increase your reach?
Of course, if you are already an expert, ignore the below content.
I have released a course called ‘LinkedIn Organic Blueprint,’ and you can get this course at NO COST.
Points are covered in this course:
Profile Optimisation
- 5 Tips to Increase Engagement
- 5 Tips to Expand Your Network
- 3 Simple Hacks
- Things to Avoid on LinkedIn
- 7 Day Challenge
You can access the course anytime within the seven days from enrollment.
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